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Pile of Books


PreReader Level 1
Current 34 Volumes
(35 Books Total + 2 of Volume 8)
PreReaders are Available 2021
Level 1 Recommended for Ages 2,3,4,5 & 6

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PreReader Level 1


PreReaders 'My Christmas!'

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sample book!  

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PreReaders 'My Holiday Cards'

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sample book!  

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'The Table'

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sample book!  

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'A Blanket'

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sample book!  

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'On Valentine's Day'

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sample book!  

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'The Chicken Soup'

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sample book!  

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‘What are PreReader book products?’

In hopes for a better day, a better life and for the love of learning to live life. To understand what we read.


A New Educational Product developed by Carol Lee Brunk (myself) to Help Children To Read Beginning At The Age Of Three Years Old-Prereader Paperback Books  PreReader book products are educational comprehension books designed as an assisted learning aide in word recognition and beginning comprehension through visual representation that includes sight words.  The objective is to be able to read a complete sentence with comprehension and to understand a story in a sentence in a book. A story in a sentence and several sentences make a bigger story. Once a child knows the alphabet, he/she can read a book. The books are not flash card books or memorization flash card games. The books are total comprehension that include sight words with illustration and individual words for full sentence structure form to give meaning and/or understanding why it was important to learn the alphabet -the meaning of letters that become words that were combined to make the sentence in a story for comprehension.

PreReaders are written in the English language only. The books are written for the comprehension of understand what you are reading at a very early: age 3 on up, with concentration on sight words and word association using a formula for a short story.

PreReader Level 2

A Sentence Book.

For ages 4,5,6 &7


Oxygen Gas 12 17 2021 Correct Cover.JPG

PreReader Level 2
Environmental Learner Series

     December 12, 2021

Volume 1
Book Entitled:
             Oxygen Gas

Not Free in Paperback

Recommended for ages 4, 5, 6 & 7 

PreReader Level 2 is an advance step into the

Beginner Reader level in educational development

from the PreReader.

Science Book

PreReaders are Not Free Products in paperback.

Optional: PreReaders are available on in paperback 8 1/2" x  5 1/2" and kindle.  In the search box of amazon type in author's name 'Carol Lee Brunk' to pull up books in


'Penguin Pepper'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

Press cover above

PreReaders 'The Toy Box'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'The Toy Box' ED 2 Extra Sentences

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'I Saw

With My Eyes'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'Pancake'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'Mouse'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'I colored'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'Snowball'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'On a hot day..'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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'Cookies And Milk'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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Sound Prereader17 Front Cover.jpg

PreReaders 'Sound'

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sample book!  

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Leaves Prereader 18 Cover.jpg
Swing Prereader19frontcover.jpg
Wet Footprints Prereader20FrontCover.jpg

PreReaders 'Leaves'

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sample book!  

Press cover above

PreReaders 'Swing'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'Wet Footprints'

Free complimentary


sample book!  

Press cover above

PreReader 21 posted on March 4, 2019

PreReader 22 posted on May 3, 2019

PreReader 23 posted on on July 17, 2019

PreReader 24 posted on on  July 17, 2019

PreReader 25 posted on on Feb 11, 2020

PreReader 26 posted on on Mar 24, 2020

PreReader 27 posted on on April 22, 2020
PreReader 28 posted on on April 25, 2020

PreReader 29 posted on on  May 11, 2020

PreReader 30 posted on on July 21, 2020

PreReader 31 posted on on July 30, 2020 
PreReader 32 posted on on Sept 9, 2020

PreReader 33 posted on on Oct 5, 2020
PreReader 34 posted on on Oct 23, 2020


PreReaders 'Danced'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

Press cover above


PreReaders 'Cartoon Mouse' Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'Castle'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'Pumpkin'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'Cloud'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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Point Cover Volume 26.JPG

PreReaders 'Point'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'The elf'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'Paper'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'Bulb'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'alphabet'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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'bird bath'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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'represents U.S.A.'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

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PreReaders 'wagon'

Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

Press cover above



Free complimentary pdf

sample book!  

Press cover above

2021 Forecast Projection Forward & Results of 2020
2017-2018 for 20 PreReaders was accomplished!

2016-2020 for 34 Total Volumes of PreReaders were accomplished!  

Due to World-Wide Pandemic, check with your local teacher to see if you can get the PreReaders books.  The local teacher or homeschooler instructor teacher may access the website to get many of the PreReaders free and other educational materials.

GOAL:                 100+ PreReaders Volumes to be Developed and Posted

                                   (Years- To Be Determined)


CURRENT:           34 Volumes That Total 35 Books

                                 (Note Volume 8 has Editions 1 & 2 with one book containing 2 more sentences)


FORECAST 2021: 8-10 Projected PreReaders in 2021 to develop, copyright and publish.

PreReaders           Volumes Developed & Published                           Accomplished

Year                     Copyrighted/Published Volumes                           Year Total Number


2020 PreReaders    Volumes 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34                    10

2019 PreReaders    Volumes 21, 22, 23, 24                                                     4

2018 PreReaders    Volumes 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20                                          6

2017 PreReaders    Volumes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ED1, 8 ED2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13         12     

2016 PreReaders    Volumes 1, 2                                                                   2

ACCOMPLISHMENT in 2020!  The 2020 Projection of combined years of 2019 and 2020 was to accomplish 10 additional volumes plus! Happy to announce the combined years of 2019 and 2020 totaled 14 additional volumes developed, copyrighted and published.

Note: With Covid-19, many of the PreReaders were posted and still are posted in (pdf only) free on and also, on my educational website The paperback is not free but can be purchased on



Recall of Update: 2020 With Covid-19, many of the PreReaders were posted and still are posted in (pdf only) free on and also, on my educational website The paperback is not free but can be purchased on

Due to Covid-19, travel on bicycle with bicycle trailer this past year was not possible to distribute in person complimentary (pdf only) copies to churches in small towns that included several preschools. I emailed from the local churches or library or city hall or town internet in small towns with much success. 

Possible Distribution: Many of those that donated in prior years that include churches, individuals, police, and town officials that donated with food, place to tent...that may have included a shower were and are still included in the ‘Acknowledgments’ section located in the front of the PreReader books, all those listed in the ‘Acknowledgements’ received complimentary (pdf only) free copies by email this year of the additional PreReaders made this past year. Note: Those included in the  'Acknowledgements' of PreReaders were also included in the 'Acknowledgements' of the series 'My Oregon Giant' after each book of the 'My Oregon Giant' books were published new 'Acknowledgements' were place into the next books and the next books of PreReaders.    

Recall of Update: 2014-2019

USA Economic Station State

Past Recall of Travel Circumstances: Many of the small-town schools had closed and bused children for more than one hour one way to another town for school.  That's two hours on a bus a day.  In those small towns many libraries have closed and there are children being home schooled that include those that grew to a second or third grade level to be able to take the two-hour bus ride a day. The mileage varied daily from the most rode up to 26 miles to the least traveled in the ride or walk a day to get to a small town was 8 to 10 miles. I traveled on bicycle with bicycle trailer and walked those years of 2014 thru 2019 to distribute educational comprehension PreReaders, books and materials complimentary on pdf only free copies to local churches in small towns that included several preschools.  


PREREADER INSTRUCTOR MANUAL: A teacher’s manual for the public school, home school teachers, parents and care givers with children is being worked on.  (Put on Hold till further notification).

YOUR DONATION is greatly appreciated is greatly appreciated.

Those that donate, please follow up with a phone call.  With your donation, your name will be put in acknowledgements of future PreReaders to show that in times of the economic station state of the United States and World there are people that care.  Blessings to you all.  Thank you again.

'In Hope for the Future, Our Past to Future Forefathers of the United States Future SHARE the Freedom of Human Rights of PEACE but

Do Not Become Each Other to Achieve the Individuality Freedom as

well as to be the Person, Individual that Shares PEACE. World PEACE.'

-Carol Lee Brunk  11-15-2020

Not a Military

Owned Website

 A Lot FREE on pdf
         Not All FREE

Pdf products that are posted are copyrighted on the website and/or in softcover book form.  Books posted are available for purchase on

© 2014. Proudly created with

Many of the advanced reading and the Mr. Alabaster Crane along with My Oregon Giant  first books were posted on a creative media website entitled as my porfolio in 2012-2013 as alternate website looking for additional work

Contact number:


Was Located: 

Fairfax/Reston/McLean, VA USA or

Mailing Address:

Carol Lee Brunk

Mt. Sterling, KY USA 40353

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